Rabu, 18 September 2019

The Book Imaginary Beliefs

Judul: The Book of Imaginary Beliefs
Penulis: Lala Bohang
Penerbit: Gramedia
Terbit: Februari 2019
Tebal: 152 halaman

Earth is blue, fragile, light, and not a star. And we’re part of it, not just living on it. Earth is a battle ground where all species constantly face an invisible war. And we’re the main actor of growth, destruction, and peace.

Someone’s precious is someone else’s garbage.
Someone’s interest is someone else’s boredom.
Someone’s principle is someone else’s violation.
Someone’s contentment is someone else’s pressure.
Someone’s recipe for immunity is someone else’s cause of death.
Either you’re the “someone” or the “someone else”, it doesn’t matter because confusion will always bounce back to you, no matter how far you’ve been running away from it.

It’s about facing an empty page each day, it’s about waking up in the morning deciding to be alive, it’s about choosing which mistakes to avoid, it’s about considering what and who to ignore, it’s about crafting a self that’s truly your own, it’s about faking a smile to cure the pain of others, it’s about continuously moving forward because going back is never a choice, it’s about looking at the blue sky and having small talks with it, it’s about everything that feels small and unworthy, it’s about becoming buoyant, never being trapped between other people’s cacophonic agendas, it’s about counting your breath.

Buku ini merupakan sekuel The Book of Forbidden Feeling dan The Book of Invisible Questions. Tertarik men-check out-nya sebulan lalu karena diskon, judul, berwarna hijau dan sepotong kalimat pada blurb. 
Either you’re the “someone” or the “someone else”
Ha. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa saya mungkin kadang kala menjadi the "someone else". Bagi yang level bodo amat-nya di atas rata-rata, tidak perlu berbusa-busa mendebat penilaian orang lain terhadap kita, hal yang di luar kendali kita. Just stay focus in your values and priorities.
"You feel anxious when you have nothing to do. You feel anxious when you haven't checked one of your long to-do lists."
Akan terasa buku ini terbilang dewasa dibanding kedua saudaranya. Pada suatu halaman diingatkan untuk stop being so hard on yourself. Bagian yang paling relatable. Sisanya, entahlah, I can't really figured it out, esp the long stories. Maybe I'll reread this book, agar lebih meresapinya :p

Buku ini masih dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi yang weirdly beautiful, dengan ciri khasnya, the cute stripe girl. Haha. Overall, dari ketiga buku, saya tetap merasa lebih berkesan membaca buku yang pertama, lebih dark somehow. Kembali ke selera masing-masing. Selamat membaca.