Senin, 27 April 2020

My Career Class Story

Last month, in very last minute, I decided to enroll a full package of #CareerClass by @kurniawan_gunadi and @alia.aryo. I have a first class of Topic 3 that night. Actually, I wanna join this class since January 2020. I have already contacted the admin and asked for the cost one of topic that I want. Yet, I have not fulfilled the registration form till last day. I became busy with something maybe.

My weekend in last month became very productive. Hampir tiada akhir pekan tanpa career class. Agile and dynamic. I still try to keep up my pace. Haha. Sudah lama tidak memaksimalkan potensi diri. Kemudian diajak lari, bertumbuh bersama. Lima dari empat belas topik telah dikecap. Setiap kelas menyisakan kesan tersendiri. Kadang-kadang diselipi kejutan, kesempatan dan tentu saja ada tugas. Teori hanya mengendap menjadi teori tanpa praktek. Let's start, action now.

If you ask my ultimate reason why joining this class, to be honest, investasi terhadap diri sendiri. This pandemic made me change my investment slot. Investasi leher ke atas, they named it. When I first heard this, the first thing that crossed my mind, ah, skincare? Wkwk. Just kidding. Sepakat bahwa investasi pada diri sendiri itu penting, upgrade knowledge, upgrade skill, and upgrade networking. It's not cheap, it needs a process to change mindset.

I need to make my self busier, somehow. I need 'safe' escape route from my never ending routine work wkwk. To keep me sane, to get this pandemic through. Even introvert will find it hard to just stay at home, for months, right? I need new circle, to widen my point of view. Setelah sebulan ini berasa banget positive vibes-nya. Belajar hal-hal baru, mencoba kesempatan baru. Cerita per topiknya mungkin nanti bakal aku share di postingan berikutnya. Terima kasih telah membaca sejauh ini.