Kamis, 04 Juni 2020

(not so) fancy food at home

Setelah hampir tiga bulan wfh, mencermati cashflow bulanan akan makanan, tidak bisa dipungkiri, meningkat cukup signifikan. After all this time far from home, I (almost) always consumed cooked food by others. Did not expect to cook my own meal haha even my family. But, this pandemic forced me to change. I started to buy organic vegetables, brown rice, and (healthy) snacks sometimes. It was costly. They said, it was okay, because we shifted transportation and weekly entertainment cost, do you agree?

The most fancy groceries I ever bought this time was salmon sashimi grade and sliced beef. Haha. Fyi, fresh salmon can be eaten raw. You will realize that anyone can cook, selama ada niat dan bumbu jadi. Wkwk. I only cook simple meal anyway, mostly boiled or steamed, tried to reduce fried foods or foods containing coconut milk.  Tapi ya kalau dikasih, tidak akan menolak :p

(not so) fancy food collection

Truthfully, one food materials can be cooked into many dishes. It's always much cheaper than eating once at a restaurant for the same dish. For example, I can made five portions from 500 gram sliced beef, four dishes shown in picture above. My simplest dish shown above is steamed potatoes with broccoli and cheese, I can make 2-3 servings with the same price I guess, apalagi kemarin (31/05) dapat kiriman brokoli. Haha. You can add flavor with himalayan salt if you want. Last, my favorite salmon soup with kombudashi (seaweed stock). Like ordinary soup actually, the taste was just a little different because of the broth. Not yet achieved making grilled salmon with lemon sauce :v

That's all from me. I don't plan to share some recipes here, because there are already many on cookpad or youtube. And I still faaar away to become a good cook. Haha. Pernah suatu ketika membuat pancake gluten free, snack terniat, percobaan pertama gagal, perlu ada yang bantuin mengayak tepungnya baru berhasil. Begitulah, selamat berkreasi. Stay healthy, stay sane. Thanks for reading.

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